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Donations Info

If you wish to dedicate a donation to a member of Congregation Schaarai Zedek:

  • Select a donation type and amount. If you wish to remain anonymous (no bulletin acknowledgment), please enter the word 'Anonymous' in the Payment Notes.
  • Under “Dedicate” select the dedication type.
  • In the box under the dedication selection enter the note you want added to the dedication notification. You do not need to add the dedication type. For example if you want to dedicate a donation in honor of John Doe on his 60th birthday, select the dedication type 'In Honor Of', then simply add in the text 'John Doe on the occasion of his 60th birthday'.
  • Enter the person you would like to be notified in the Salutation.
  • Check the boxes 'Unknown' for Email and Address if the person to be notified is a member of Congregation Schaarai Zedek. ShulCloud will know who the notification goes to.
  • When the donation is processed, our office will review the dedication and a notification will be sent to the honoree and the person to be notified, if different.

If you wish to dedicate a donation to a person who is not a member of Congregation Schaarai Zedek:

  • Follow the first four steps above.
  • Enter a physical address where the notification can be sent.
  • When the donation is processed, our office will review the dedication and a notification will be sent to the honoree and the person to be notified, if different


Click here for a list of our temple funds.

Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785